9 research outputs found

    Sociocultural dominants of developing students’ value intentions: context of civilization challenges

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    The study of the influence of sociocultural dominants on value intentions formation in young generation of specialists (teachers) is important for identifying useful ideas that can be implemented to improve axiological situation in the country and the world in accordance with civilization challenges. The article highlights a wide range of theoretical achievements and presents results of empirical research, which confirms positive dynamics of value intentions development in students of pedagogical and art specialties. Generalized conclusions about development of this important phenomenon in the context of declining demand for value dominants, are confirmed by statistics. The study was based on axiological, socio-cultural, systemic and interdisciplinary research. The research field consisted of educational institutions in Kyiv (Ukraine), the sample was 356 respondents (students of the first bachelor’s level). The adequacy of the applied experimental tools (questionnaires, Pedagogical essays) is proved. The experimental work was conducted online using Google services. The results of the study show positive dynamics of the value intentions development and a significant correlation between students’ motivation to value-oriented activities and sustainability of this direction in the future. The importance of sociocultural determinants in the development of value intentions in students of pedagogical specialties based on sociocultural knowledge is proved


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    The paper is contributing to the development concept through highlighting the issue of implementing a brand-new territorial management system based on GIS technology into the regional public governance of developing country (on the example of Zhytomyr oblast of Ukraine as a leader of decentralization processes in the state according the official statistics of forming the amalgamated communities). Three basic methods were used: monographic method — to identify the peculiarities of the GIS activities of regional government entities; comparative studies and benchmarking — to compare GIS managing models performed in the world and find the best relevant practices; project management analysis — to prepare solution for creating pilot model as a full turnkey intellectual product (ready for dissemination project application which include logical-structural matrix of project goals and results, stakeholders analysis, timing for activities, indicators for evaluation, budget etc). Project application is completed with an evaluation of the Zhytomyr regional geoportal, implemented on its basement. In particular, there have been analyzed geoportal functions, their impact from economic and social benefits point, existing problems related to the project implementation process, benefits and prospects for future activities. It is proved that performed model will allow to create more effective than already existing mechanism of public administration at the region; to develop algorithms for interaction between public authorities and communities, to enhance the process of decentralization and territorial development

    Modelling the impact of emigration upon social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine

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    Population migration activity in the Carpathian region of Ukraine is currently high in intensity and scale compared to the national average. This situation is caused by subjective factors (lower living standards and quality of life, employment problems, escalation of armed conflict in the east) and objective factors (globalization and increasing population mobility, development of transnational corporations, digitalization of the economy, simplification of border-crossing procedures). The aim of the research is to model and visualize the impact of population migration on the social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and to determine an optimal value and critical range of external migration for the region. Based on the modelling, assuming that socio-economic development of the Carpathian region corresponds to the level of integral coefficient for Poland in 2018 (calculated using a multiplicative approach), the acceptable level of external migration was determined. It is 0.850 for Lviv region (actual migration level was 1.479 in 2018); 0.653 for Chernivtsi region (0.695); and 1.488 for Zakarpattya region (2.149). The critical range of the intensity of external population migration is 0.723–1.264 for Lviv region, 0.499–0.578 for Chernivtsi region, 0.006–0.008 for IvanoFrankivsk region, and 0.479–0.769 for Zakarpattya region


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    Man in his education always tries to combine the mind, spirituality and the body. But in different historical times the essence of the man and his destination in the society was interpreted differently. The appearance and development of the ancient period gave a boost to the spiritual development and the struggle against the bodily upbringing. The man of that period was revealed as a spiritual person, but not as a natural and bodily being. That is why the question of the attitude of the church and the clergy to corporaleducation upbringing and playing entertainments is to be understood. Objective of the research: history of the physical nurture in the first half of the first millennium. Taskofresearch: on the basis of the analysis of the scientific, theoretical and methodological literature to show the views of the first church fathers of the period of the development of the ancient Christianity on the life of the person and their attitude to the body improvement and game entertainments. Results of the Work. The world view reference-points of influence of the church and clergy on the human of the period of the Christianity are exposed in this article. Opinions of the first fathers of the church about the destiny of a man are expounded. It is studied, how the clerics affected the human consciousness by their speeches, treatises and actions. The negative attitude of the clergymen to the corporal perfection and to the playing entertainments is thoroughly considered. The attitude of the clergy is shown towards calendar holidays with games and mass competitions in amphitheaters and the arenas of the circus. The attempt of the church to provide ideological prohibition to engage in physical exercises and in playing entertainments and participate in spectacles is reflected. Conclusions.In the ancient period the church and clergy gradually gained the influence in the society. By their public speeches and dogmas they affected the human consciousness. Conquering political rights, the church successively introduced a ban of physical exercises, entertainments and competitions. As a result, the connection of the physical and mental upbringing was broken. The man was considered by the church only as a spiritual creature and the essence of the man was not taken into account at all

    Стан та динаміка соматичних захворювань студентів закладів вищої освіти

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    Topicality. Changing of socio-economic situation and crisis in society have caused the decrease of physical activity of young people, which has exacerbated the problem of maintaining the health of the individual. The study is due to the need to adapt physical activity to the characteristics of the students` body and the nature of existing diseases. The Purpose of the Research is to analyze the condition, causes and dynamics of somatic diseases of 1–4th year students. Materials and Methods of the Research. Analysis of medical records was used to determine the status of somatic diseases of 1–4 years students at the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. The paper did not use the personal data of the persons involved to the research. Only their generalized data were analyzed. Participation in the study was voluntary and did not involve any form of encouragement. The selection of study groups of students was carried out at random choice. The total sample is 50,306 people. All of participants of the study agreed to participate in the research and to the further processing and publishing of the obtained results for free access. Statistical analysis of the collected data was performed by StatSoft Statistica 6.0. The Results of the Research. The level of morbidity of students is characterized by negative somatic disorder indicators. The largest number people of the special medical group focuses at the Faculty of Pedagogy and the smallest is at the Faculty of Culture and Arts. Our studies have demonstrated that analysis of diseases dynamics during 2010–2016 period gives an opportunity to state that the percentage of «relatively healthy» people are reduced every year. The most common diseases are cardiovascular, stomach, digestive organs, and musculoskeletal system morbidities. Analyzing of nosological forms of diseases by gender features, it should be noted that the percentage of  women 1–4th year study is significant bigger than men. The percentage of people, referred to a special medical group, is increasing. Also, women are the leaders by pathologies. Conclusions. In general, students` health is low rate. Growth of cardiovascular diseases was found during education at higher education institutions. This condition leads to the development of adaptive methodology of rehabilitation and physical development of young people.Состояние и динамика соматических заболеваний студентов высших учебных заведений. Актуальность исследования. Изменение социально-экономической ситуации и кризисные явления в обществе стали причиной физической активности молодежи, вследствие чего обострилась проблема сохранения здоровья личности. Проведение исследования обусловлено необходимостью адаптации физических нагрузок с особенностями организма студентов и сущности имеющихся заболеваний. Цель исследования  –  проанализировать  состояние,  причины  и  динамику  соматических  заболеваний  студентов  I–  IV курсов. Материал и методы исследования. Для определения состояния соматических заболеваний студентов 1–4-х курсов Восточноевропейского национального университета имени Леси Украинки использовался анализ медицинских карт. В работе не использовались личные данные лиц, которые были привлечены к исследованию. Анализировались только их данные в обобщенном виде. Участие в исследовании было добровольным и не предусматривало ни одной формы удовлетворения. Подбор учебных групп студентов осуществлялся случайным методом. Общая выборка составляла 50 306 человек. Все лица, принимавшие участие в исследовании, давали согласие на участие в исследовании и на дальнейшую обработку полученных результатов, их представление для свободного доступа. Статистический анализ собранных данных выполнялся программным обеспечением STATISTICA версии 6. Результаты работы. Установлено, что уровень заболеваемости студентов имеет тенденцию к росту показателей соматических расстройств в отрицательную сторону. Наибольшее количество лиц специальной медицинской группы сосредоточено на педагогическом факультете, а наименьшее – на факультете искусств. Как показали наши исследования, анализ динамики заболеваний 2010–2016 гг. позволяет конста- тировать, что процент «относительно здорових» студентов ежегодно уменьшается. Наиболее распространенные болезни сердечно-сосудистой системы, желудка и органов пищеварения, опорно-двигательного  аппарата  и  др. При анализе нозологических форм заболеваний по гендерным признакам следует заметить, что процент женщин с  I по IV-й курс и в течение указанного периода исследования значительно больше, чем мужчин. Увеличивается процент лиц, отнесенных по состояниии здоровья к специальной медицинской группе. Лидером в этой группе по количеству заболеваний есть тоже женщины. Выводы. В целом состояние здоровья студентов низкое. На протя- жении обучения в высшем учебном заведении наблюдался рост сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Такое поло- жение приводит к тотребности разработки адаптивных методик оздоровления и физического развития молодежи.Актуальність дослідження. Зміна соціально-економічної ситуації й кризові явища в суспільстві стали причиною зниження фізичної активності молоді, унаслідок чого загострилася проблема збереження здоров’я особистості. Проведення дослідження зумовлено потребою адаптації фізичних навантажень до особливостей організму студентів та сутності наявних захворювань. Мета дослідження – проаналізувати стан, причини та динаміку соматичних захворювань студентів I–IV курсів. Матеріал і методи дослідження.  Для  визначення стану соматичних захворювань студентів 1–4 курсів навчання Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки використовували аналіз медичних карток. У роботі не використовували особисті дані осіб, які були залучені до дослідження. Аналізувалися лише їхні дані в узагальненому вигляді. Участь у дослідженні була добровільною та не передбачала жодної форми задоволення. Підбір навчальних груп студентів здійснювався випадковим методом. Загальна вибірка становить 50 306 осіб. Усі особи, які брали участь у дослідженні, давали згоду на участь у досліджені й на подальше опрацювання отриманих результатів, їх опублікування для вільного доступу. Статистичний аналіз зібраних даних виконували за програмним забезпеченням STATISTICA версії 6. Результати роботи. Установлено, що рівень захворюваності студентів має тенденцію до зростання показників соматичних розладів у негативну сторону. Найбільшу кількість осіб спеціальної медичної групи зосереджено на педагогічному факультеті, а найменшу – на факультеті мистецтв. Як показали наші дослідження, аналіз динаміки захворювань 2010–2016 рр. дає можливість констатувати, що відсоток «відносно здорових» осіб щороку зменшується. Найбільш розповсюджені хвороби серцево-судинної системи, шлунка та органів травлення, опорно- рухового апарату тощо. Під час аналізу нозологічних форм захворювань за гендерними ознаками треба зауважити, що відсоток жінок із I-го по ІV-й курс із протягом зазначеного періоду дослідження значно  більший,  ніж чоловіків. Збільшується також відсоток осіб, віднесених за станом здоров’я до спеціальної медичної  групи. Лідером у цій групі за кількістю захворювань теж є жінки. Висновки. Загалом стан здоров’я студентів низький. Протягом навчання у вищому закладі освіти виявлено зростання серцево-судинних захворювань. Такий стан зумовлює розробку адаптивних методик оздоровлення й фізичного розвитку молоді

    Economic growth of Ukrainian regions and determinants of financial resilience: Modeling the causal nexus

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    Stable economic progress and upward dynamics of economic growth in the regions depend on their level of security and ability to withstand adverse macroeconomic and other shocks, as well as the state of affairs in which risks cannot be transformed into threats and dangers. The study aims to assess the causal nexus and the level of sensitivity of regional economic growth components to changes in financial resilience determinants. The research methods include systemic and structural analyses (building an information and analytical model for studying financial resilience), Granger test (identifying causal relationships between the variables under study), risk theory (studying the nature of fluctuations), and spatial and temporal approach. Data from the regions (oblasts) of Ukraine between 2015 and 2021 form the informational and analytical basis of the study. The paper reveals that the targeted use of transfers for socio-economic progress, increasing investment capacity, and bolstering financial and budgetary autonomy through increasing local budget revenues are the dominant financial determinants of regional economic growth. The results show that the most dominant causal nexus exists between (1) budgetary efficiency, interest rates on consumer/mortgage loans, and SME development, (2) the volume of loans/deposits and labor market efficiency and SME development, and (3) innovation development and foreign economic cooperation. Intensification of investment activity is crucial for ensuring real changes in the economic structure of all regions, particularly outsiders, accelerating transformation processes, mitigating regional economic divergence, and increasing competitiveness. AcknowledgmentsThe study was conducted within the framework of the “Financial Determinants of Ensuring Economic Growth of Regions and Territorial Communities based on Behavioral Economics” project (№ 2020.02/0215) funded by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (Competition “Support for Research of Leading and Young Scientists”)

    Histopathological and clinical investigation on the influence of intracanal medication in the treatment of chronic periodontitis

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    The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: One of the major tasks in the treatment of chronic apical periodontitis is regeneration of pathologically changed periapical tissues.This goal might be achieved by means of different remedies introduced into periapical tissues, stimulating the regeneration of damaged tissues. Aim: This work investigates the efficiency of a temporary paste in the treatment of chronic apical periodontitis.The paste contains: Metronidazole, Enterosgel,Alflutop. Materials and method: Investigation included: experiments on rats and experimental group ( 30 teeth presenting chronic apical periodontitis ). The drug Collapan was used as a comparative remedy. Result: In the histological specimens of the mandible bone defects of the 6 th -7 th groups rats (filled with Collapan), bone defect was significantly similar to the condition of bone tissue of the 4 th and 5 th groups rats (filled with proposed composition). Signs of reparation expressed in the formation of big number of new form blood vessels, active osteoblaste, connective tissues formation were closely attached to the bone tissue. In the 30 cases under study, the treated teeth caused no pain, assured a good mastication and the adjiacent mucous membrane evidenced no pathological modification. Conclution: Our histological investigation have proved the osteoregenerative abilities of the proposed medicamental composition, similar to those of the material used as a control Collapan. This affords grounds to consider that the proposed medicamental composition possesses significants clinical efficiency for usage in the treatment of chronic apical periodontitis stimulation regeneration of damaged periapical tissues

    Features of Cerebral Electric Activity of Cortex at Sportsmen in Alpha Range of EEG

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    Досліджено електричну активність кори головного мозку в альфа-діапазоні ЕЕГ у праворуких юнаків, які займаються ациклічними та циклічними видами спорту, у станах функціонального спокою із заплющеними й розплющеними очима, а також під час виконання когнітивних завдань «Увага» й «Відтворення слів». Просторовий розподіл зв’язків між відділами кори головного мозку, під час когнітивної діяльності, залежать від ранньої спортивної спеціалізації різного типу. Група спортсменів ациклічних видів спорту характеризується вищим рівнем когерентності в альфа-діапазоні ЕЕГ, порівняно із групою спортсменів циклічних видів спорту, незалежно від виду тестування. This work is devoted to studying of cerebral cortex electrical activity in alpha range of EEG in right-handed young men who go in for acyclic and cyclic sport in conditions of functional rest with closed and open eyes and during completing of cognitive tasks «Attention» and «Words reproduction». Spatial distributing of connections between the departments of cortex during cognitive activity depend on early sporting specialization of different type. Young men of acyclic sports group have higher level of coherence in alpha range of EEG comparing with cyclic sports group independent of the testing type

    Financial and economic security of agricultural business: specifics, analysis methodology, and measures of stabilization

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    Purpose. The article aims to improve the methodology and analysis of the financial and economic security of agricultural business in Ukraine for the identification of problematic aspects and the substantiation of policy measures needed to strengthen it. Methodology / approach. The article offers the methodological approach for the comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic security of agricultural business in a region. The conceptual task of the approach is to calculate the empirical indicator of security (composite method) and its structural components (resources, investment, money and credit, debt, finance-economy, and insurance components) based on the identification of the weight of indicators (Principal Components Analysis). Results. The article reveals that the appropriate level of all components of financial and economic security correlates with the financial independence of agricultural entities. In 2018, the index of insurance security (0.798) and money and credit (0.737), debt (0.724), and resources (0.720) components of agricultural business security in Lvivska oblast were above the moderate level. The period of 2018–2022 faced a significant weakening in the resources (by 16.2 p.p.), investment (16.9 p.p.), money and credit (20.6 p.p.), debt (19.0 p.p.), finance-economy (18.0 p.p.), and insurance (5.3 p.p.) components of the sector’s financial and economic security. The average level of financial and economic security in the period under review was 65.0 %, and the average annual rate of decrease was 4.1 p.p. Originality / scientific novelty. The article improves the methodological approach to the complementary assessment of financial and economic security of agricultural business in a region, contributing to the identification of the degree of financial resilience of business entities in the agricultural sector of the regional economy in conditions of war and instability, in order to develop the mechanism for increasing the investment and economic capacity of business. Practical value / implications. The article offers and substantiates an applied approach to assessing the degree of regional financial resilience of agricultural business. Its implementation will allow carrying out a sectoral cut of the state of financial and economic security of the region’s industry and build architectonics of determinants of financial and economic security of business entities